2023. november 09.
BME Faculty of Civil Engineering visit at the MOL campus
More than 40 lecturers and students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of BME participated in the professional day organized for us on the MOL campus. The MOL managers gave a one-hour presentation on the background of the MOL campus construction, the features of the building, with special focus on the sensor networks and building surveillance systems used in the operation, and then answered questions from the audience. The technical day ended on the roof terrace of the MOL tower.
The MOL campus has been a great training ground for our students during its construction, we have organized several visits and several diploma theses have been about the design and construction of the building. The advanced building management system can also support our training, providing a great test bed for our students and lecturers, and we look forward to even closer cooperation between the Faculty and MOL in the future.
We thank MOL for the opportunity and the excellent organization!