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A téma rövid leírása, a kidolgozandó feladat részletezése:
Concrete can be exposed to elevated temperatures during fire in accidental situations or in service.
Behaviour of concrete structural members exposed to elevated temperature is dependent on physical,
especially thermal and mechanical properties of concrete. Therefore, understanding of the influence of high
temperatures to every component is important. Then preventative measures such as choosing the right
materials should be taken to minimize the harmful effects of high temperature.
Fire resistance of concrete can be influenced by the concrete composition. In order to evaluate the behaviour
of concrete at elevated temperatures we need to know the range of modifications of all constituents and their
interaction. Chemical and mechanical changes in concrete may produce considerable modifications of
properties at elevated temperatures. One of the most crucial question is the modification of shear capacity of
The main objectives of my research are to study and specify the behaviour of concrete at elevated
temperatures in terms of possible ways of shear deteriorations. Therefore, in my PhD work two main fields
are being addressed:
(i) the way and extent of reduction of shear capacity of concrete as a structural material at elevated
temperatures depending on the composition and max. temperature, as well as
(ii) the way and extent of reduction of interactions between concrete and reinforcement.
Experiments are being prepared related to these two fields including several parameters. Experiments will
be followed by modelling.
Push-off specimens have been chosen to be our experimental model for investigations on shear capacity at
high temperatures. The second group of experiments is directed to the determination of bond-slip behaviour
and force transfer of prestressing tendons at high temperatures.
The bond-slip relationship is of a vital importance when studying failure mode in hollow core slabs. Many
researches have been particularly conducted to study the above mentioned issue, however, a lack of
knowledge does exist in case of high temperatures. Since the shear failure mode is mainly the dominant over
hollow core slabs which are, the latter, the most types of structural elements used around the world, the
significance of the research is unquestionably obvious.
A téma meghatározó irodalma:
ACI SP-180, "Bond and Developmnet of Reinforcement - A tribute to Dr. Péter Gergely" (ed. R. Leon),ISBN: 98-86927, ACI - American Concrete Institute, 1998, (Balázs, G. L., "Bond Under Repeated Loading", pp. 125-143.)
CEB (Editor: Balázs, G. L.), "Behaviour and modelling in serviceability limit states including repeated and sustained loads", CEB Bulletin d' Information No. 235 - ISBN 0378-9489, April 1997, 265 p. (Balázs, G. L. et al., "Development of crack widths and deflections in elements subject to repeated and sustained loads" , Chapter 1 - CEB Bulletin d' Information No. 235, "Behaviour and modelling in serviceability limit states including repeated and sustained loads", April 1997, pp. 1-46.)
fib (Editor: Balázs, G. L.), "Structural Concrete Textbook on Behaviour, Design and Perfomance” Vol 1 fib bulletin 51, Vol 2 fib bulletin 52, Vol 3 fib bulletin 53, Lausanne, ISBN 978-2-88394-091-8, -092-5, -093-2, p. 294, p. 338, p. 376, Nov-Dec. 2009-Febr 2010.
Beeby, A.W. (1978). Cracking: what are crack width limits for?, Concrete, July 1978, 31-33.
Beeby, A.W. (1979). The prediction of crack width in hardened concrete, The Structural Engineer, Vol.57A, No.1, January, pp.9-17.
Beeby, A.W. (2004). The influence of the parameter φ/reff on crack widths, Stuctural concrete No 2, 71-83.
Beeby, A.W. (2005). The influence of the parameter φ/reff on crack widths, Discussion, Stuctural concrete No 4, 155-165.
Borosnyói, A, Balázs G.L.(2005). Models for flexural cracking in concrete: the state of art, Stuctural Concrete Journal, No 2, 53-62.
Broms, B.B., Lutz, L.A. (1965). Effects of Arrangement of Reinforcement on Crack Width and Spacing of Reinforced Concrete Members, ACI Journal, Proceedings V. 62, No. 11, Nov. 1965, pp. 1395-1410.
CEB (1984). CEB Design Manual Cracking and Deformations, CEB Bulletin d'Information No.158, Lausanne 1985
Eckfeldt, L., (2005a). Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Berechnung von Rissbreiten in Veraederlichen Verbundsituationen, PhD Dissertation, Technical University Dresden
Ferry-Borges, J. (1966). Cracking and deformability of Reinforced Cocrete Beams, IABSE Publication, Zürich, Vol.26, pp.75-79.
Gergely, P., Lutz, L.A. (1968). Maximum Crack Width in Reinforced Flexural Members, Causes, Mechanism and Control of Cracking in Concrete, ACI SP-20, 87-117.
Goto, Y., Otsuka, K. (1971). Studies on Internal Cracks Formed in Concrete Around Deformed Tension Bars, ACI Journal, Vol.68. No.4, April 1971, 244-251.
König, G., Fehling, E. (1988). Zur Rißbreitenbeschränkung im Stahlbetonbau", Beton-und Stahlbetonbau No.6/1988, 161-167. + No.7/1988, 199-204.
Leonhardt, F. (1988). Cracks and Crack Control in Concrete Structures, PCI Journal, July-August 1988, 124-145.
Lutz, L.A., Gergely,P. (1967). Mechanics of Bond and Slip of Deformed Bars in Concrete, ACI Journal, 64(11) 1967, 711-721.
Noakowski, P. (1985), Verbundorientierte, kontinuierliche Theorie zur Ermittlung der Rissbreite, Beton- und Stahlbetonbau No.7/1985, 185-190. und No.8/1985, 215-221.
Oh, B.H., Kang,Y.H. (1987). New Formulas for Maximum Crack Width and Crack Spacing in Reinforced Concrete Flexural Member, ACI Structural Journal March-April, pp.103-112.
Schießl, P. (1989). Grundlagen der Neuregelung zur Beschränkung der Rißbreite, Deutscher Ausschuß für Stahlbeton, Heft 400, pp.158-175.
A téma hazai és nemzetközi folyóiratai:
- ACI Journal
- Structural Concrete Journal
- Materials and Structures Journal
- Magazin of Concrete Research
- Key Engineering Materials Journal
- Beton und Stahlbetonbau
- Concrete Structures Journal
- Vasbetonépítés folyóirat
A témavezető utóbbi tíz évben megjelent 5 legfontosabb publikációja:
Balázs, G. L., Lublóy, É., “Post heating strength of fibre-reinforced concretes”, Fire Safety Journal 49, pp. 100-106. (2012) DOI: 10.1016/j.firesaf.2012.01.002, Q1: 1.021, IF 1.222
Balázs, G. L., et al. “Design for SLS according to fib Model Code 2010”, Structural Concrete Journal, Vol. 14, June 2013, pp. 99-123, E&S Wiley ISSN 1751-7648, DOI: 10.1002/suco.201200042; Q2 0.746, IF 0,857
Walraven, J., Balázs, G. L., “fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010: a landmark in an ongoing development”, Structural Concrete Journal Vol. 14, March 2013, pp. 1-2., E&S Wiley ISSN 1751-7648, DOI: 10.1002/suco.201390005, Q2 0.746, IF 0.857
Balázs, G. L.: “Material and Structural Properties for Creating High Performance Concrete”, Key Engineering Materials Journal Vols. 629-630 (2015) pp 21-27 Online available since 2014/Oct/01 at Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, Doi: 10.4028/ IF: 0.190
Bilotta, A., Ceroni, F., Joaquim A. O. Barros, J.A.O., Costa, I., Palmieri, A., Szabó, K.Zs., Nigro, E., Matthys, S., Balázs, G. L., Pecce, M.: “Bond of NSM FRP-Strengthened Concrete: Round Robin Test Initiative” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, June 2015, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CC.1943-5614.0000579, Q1: 1.957, IF: 2.48
A témavezető fenti folyóiratokban megjelent 5 közleménye:
Balázs G. L., "Cracking Analysis Based on Slips and Bond Stresses", ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 90, No. 4, July-August 1993, pp. 86-93, IF 0.462
Balázs G. L., "Fatigue of Bond", ACI Materials Journal, Nov-Dec. 1991, pp. 620-629, IF 0.378
Koch, R., Balázs, G. L., "Verbund unter nicht ruhender Belastung", - Teil 1, Vol.93, 1998/7, pp.177-181; - Teil 2, Vol.93, 1998/8, pp.220-223, Beton- und Stahlbetonbau
Balázs, G. L., et al. “Design for SLS according to fib Model Code 2010”, Structural Concrete Journal, Vol. 14, June 2013, pp. 99-123, E&S Wiley ISSN 1751-7648, DOI: 10.1002/suco.201200042; Q2 0.746, IF 0,857
Balázs, G. L., Grosse, C.U., Koch, R., Reinhardt, H.W., "Damage accumulation on deformed steel bar to concrete interaction detected by acoustic emission technique", Magazin of Concrete Research, Vol. 48, No. 177, Dec. 1996, pp. 311-320, IF 0.444
Vandewalle, L., Nemegeer, D., Balázs, L.G., Barr, B., Bartos, P., Banthia, N., Brandt, A., Criswell, M., Denarie, E., Prosco, M. Di, Falkner, H., Gettu, R., Gopalaratnam, V., Groth, P., Häusler, V., Katsaragakis, E., Kooiman, A., Kovler, K., Lehtonen, J., Massicotte, B., Mindess, S., Reinhardt, H-W., Rossi, P., Schaerlaekens, S., Schnütgen, Shah, S., Skarendahl, A., Stang, H., Stroven, P., Swamy, R., Tatnall, P., Teutsch, M., Walraven, J., Wubs, A, “RILEM TC162-TDF: Test and Design Methods for Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete, Ϭ-w- Design Method, Principles and Applications, Marerials and Structures Journal, Vol. 33, Jan-February 2002, pp, Q2 0.631, IF 0.363
A témavezető eddigi doktoranduszai
Czoboly Olivér Attila (2014/2016/2017)
Schaul Péter (2016//)
Sólyom Sándor (2015/2018/2021)
Balogh Tamás (2010//)
Mezei Sándor (2008//)
Lublóy Éva Eszter (2001//)
Alimrani Naser (2017/2020/2021)
Thajeel Marwah Manea (2021/2025/)