Seismic resilience analysis and design of critical Infrastructure: a case of Highway Bridge in Hungary

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Highway Bridges is one among identified critical infrastructure in Hungary and EU in general (IMPROVER, 2018).Nowadays, natural disasters is one of the critical problem that the world is facing which cause the most failure of critical infrastructures. The possible solution to alleviate the failure was established by IMPROVER project, where each member states of European Commission conducted a guideline for national risk assessment. The most addressed hazard was the loss of critical infrastructure (IMPROVER, 2018). The most cause of this loss were identified as natural disasters including earthquakes, flood, and accidents. Therefore, the seismic resilience assessment of highway bridges involves evaluating their ability to withstand and recover from earthquake-induced forces while maintaining functionality. Resilience goes beyond just seismic design; because it considers not only the bridge's capacity to resist damage during an earthquake but also how quickly it can be restored to service after the earthquake event. According to the previous studies (Vigh et al, 2021), different steps involved in seismic resilience analysis was established and carried out in the following stages: Seismic risk identification, Seismic hazard assessment, Fragility assessment, Traffic estimates, Direct and indirect cost calculation, Risk assessment, Resilience evaluation, and Resilience treatment technologies. Further studies will be focused on the resilience treatment technologies required to complete resilience analysis for the recovery as recommended in the previous research findings.
The aim of this study is seismic resilience analysis and design of bridge based on the possible retrofitting technologies. As methodology of this study, Literature review will be done on i) Resilience assessment of Critical infrastructures ii) Reinforced concrete bridges , ii) Precast prestressed concrete bridges, iii) Steel composite bridges iv)Bridges types and components, iv) Design method and vii) Construction methods. Besides, Advanced Analysis Tools such as Finite Element Models (FEM) software will be used to simulate the behavior of bridge structures during seismic events, including the effects of soil-structure interaction and Probabilistic Seismic Demand Models (PSDM) software as well to estimate the expected demand on a structure during an earthquake based on various ground motion parameters. Thus, the Seismic resilience analysis and design for highway bridges will be following the previous study findings and the expected outcomes of this study are the following: i) Structural Vulnerability Analysis, ii) Damage Assessment, iii) Functionality Assessment, iv) Retrofit, Design Strategies and challenges, v) Quantifying Resilience, and vi) Impact on Network Resilience, vii) Comparison of existing bridge model with retrofitted bridge model before and after seismic event( model validation against experimental test results).By the end of this study, conclusions and recommendations will be drawn by indicating that the durability and operational reliability of bridges is fully ensured by minimizing disruptions to critical transportation networks during and after seismic events. As well, the end results after application of seismic retrofitting techniques in model simulation, will show that the public safety is increased and that there is a reduction of repair cost after earthquakes and, ensuring the resilience of critical infrastructures.

A téma meghatározó irodalma: 

1) DR Godschalk. Urban Hazard Mitigation: Creating Resilient Cities. Natural Hazards Review. Vol. 4, Issue 3 (August 2003)
2) The IMPROVER project – Improved risk evaluation and implementation of resilience concepts to Critical Infrastructure. H2020 project. 2015-18.
3) DR Lombardi, JM Leach and CDF Rogers. Designing resilient cities: a guide to good practice (EP 103). Urban Futures Team. BREPress (11-Apr-2012)
4) Managing and responding to disaster. The Institution of Civil Engineers. ICE. 15 Sep 2017
5) D Lange, D Honfi, J Sjöström, M Theocharidou, G Giannopoulos, NK Reitan, K Storesund, L Melkunaite, H Rosenquist, L Petersen, R Almeida, B Rød, C Bouffier, E Serafinelli, ML Lin. Framework for implementation of resilience concepts to Critical Infrastructure. Ref. Ares (2017)5879401 - 30/11/2017.

A téma hazai és nemzetközi folyóiratai: 

1. International Journal of Impact Engineering
2. Engineering Structures
3. Constructional Steel Research
4. Magyar Építőipar
5. Repüléstudományi Közlemények

A témavezető utóbbi tíz évben megjelent 5 legfontosabb publikációja: 

1. LG Vigh, Á Zsarnóczay, T Balogh. Eurocode conforming design of BRBF – Part I: Proposal for codification. JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH 135: pp. 265-276. (2017)
2. Á Zsarnóczay, LG Vigh. Eurocode conforming design of BRBF – Part II: Design procedure evaluation. JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH 135: pp. 253-264. (2017)
3. J Simon, LG Vigh. Seismic Reliability Assessment of Typical Road Bridges in Hungary. JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 21: pp. 1-29. (2017)
4. T Balogh, LG Vigh. Complex and comprehensive method for reliability calculation of structures under fire exposure. FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL 86: pp. 41-52. (2016)
5. J Simon, LG Vigh. Seismic fragility assessment of integral precast multi-span bridges in areas of moderate seismicity. BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 14:(11) pp. 3125-3150. (2016)

A témavezető fenti folyóiratokban megjelent 5 közleménye: 

1. Román Zs, Kiss RM, Vigh LG. Az épületeken kívüli robbantások tervezési követelményei. MAGYAR ÉPÍTŐIPAR 60:(4) pp. 129-134. (2010)
2. Román Zs, Vigh LG. Acélszerkezetű irodaház tervezése külső robbanásteherre. REPÜLÉSTUDOMÁNYI KÖZLEMÉNYEK (1997-TŐL) XXIV:(2) pp. 142-155. (2012)
3. Á Zsarnóczay, LG Vigh. Eurocode conforming design of BRBF – Part II: Design procedure evaluation. JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH 135: pp. 253-264. (2017)
4. LG Vigh, Á Zsarnóczay, T Balogh. Eurocode conforming design of BRBF – Part I: Proposal for codification. JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH 135: pp. 265-276. (2017)
5. LG Vigh, GG Deierlein, E Miranda, AB Liel, S Tipping. Seismic performance assessment of steel corrugated shearwall system using non-linear analysis. JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH 85: pp. 48-59. (2013)

A témavezető eddigi doktoranduszai

Eduardo Charters (2014/2018/2019)
Balogh Tamás (2013/2016/2018)
Simon József (2012/2015/2016)
Zsarnóczay Ádám (2010//2014)
Nyírõ Zsolt (2009//)
Kezh Sardasht Sardar Weli (2019/2023/2023)